Our college term began in Keats’ “season of mellow fruitfulness” and is ending in Rossetti’s “bleak mid-winter.” Whatever the season, London Brookes continues to be a highly productive and successful place at which to study. September saw us bidding farewell to our previous academic year leavers as they left us to begin degree courses at Bristol, London, Nottingham and all places between. In waving farewell to these potential pharmacists, lawyers, businessmen and novelists, we welcomed a whole new cohort, more students, in fact, than ever before. Such an increased demand for our excellent teaching has, naturally, necessitated expansion into new premises. As well as our original listed building here at Burroughs House, we will also soon have premises in nearby Station Road
whilst Hendon Library continues to provide a venue for private study and visiting speakers. In fact, when it comes to visiting speakers, we have had several, ranging from Claire Welsh of Goldsmiths’ College talking about personal statements, to past students offering practical tips on university survival strategies!
There have also been talks as part of our enrichment programme; the visiting artist proved particularly popular with one GCSE boy who said that the art demonstration had changed his life! Learning at LBC does not only happen within the college. A highly educational trip to the House of Lords enabled our
students to participate in a discussion on Parliament and Human Rights whilst other visits to the Imperial War Museum and business organisations have
extended students’ understanding of related topics. Our clubs offer an infinite variety of activities from chess, through music, debating and Thursday night football which shows, of course, that our students’ success really is our goal! In addition to all of this, the everyday pleasures of teaching and learning continue in the calm, unruffled atmosphere of London Brookes College.
By now, most of our current year university entrants have dispatched their UCAS applications and several have already received offers. Next autumn, they too will be beginning their undergraduate careers, proving that at LBC, every year is a fruitful one